Trust yourself. Trust others. You are not alone.
Being a storyteller means sharing the personal challenges and joys life presents to me daily. What I learned in my journey is that the things I thought only I felt, others also felt. I was not alone. You are not alone.
Use the best inside you
So when it comes to creating the masterpiece of your life, why would you use anything but the best that’s inside you?
Just load the wagon
Don’t worry that the mule is blind; just load the wagon. Keep doing what you’re supposed to do; keep handling what needs to be handled; keep going; keep believing; keep working — even when you can’t recognize where it’s all going to lead.
Don't settle for less than extraordinary
We aren’t all destined to discover the mathematical truths of the universe, but we are all destined for something — something extraordinary.
We’re more good than bad
Heaven help us if our life’s worth is forever judged by our impatient, exuberate youth or by the times we let the excitement of a moment lead to a foolish act.
When it matters, they'll know they can
Whether it means anything to them now, one day, it will. One day they’ll find themselves in a situation where they’ll have to choose between sacrificing a little for future rewards or goofing off. One day it will matter.
Someone will notice
It takes a gracious man who can take the floor night after night after night, knowing he’s as good as the other guy but never getting the applause the other guy gets.
Leave a mark on others
We are an accumulation of the things we see and the things we hear and the things we touch throughout the days, throughout our lives. Each contact is but a leaf falling upon our driveway, staining us with its influence.
I’m just passing through
There was a purpose to our journey, or as Og Mandino said in The Greatest Miracle in the World, "You are not the momentary whim of a careless creator experimenting in the laboratory of life . . . you have a purpose." We are on our way from somewhere to somewhere, and, along the way, we pass by here.
If I had never
When no one is close enough to love us or hug us or lift us or care for us — still, believe.